Teledermatologie in Pandemiezeiten:
Aktuelle Publikationen des Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology
(Die dort gelisteten Publikationen werden laufend aktualisiert.)
"Coronaimpfung bei Allergikerinnen und Allergikern" – Einschätzung des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts (PEI), 29.12.2020
DDG schließt sich den Empfehlungen des PEI (Bundesinstitut für Impfstoffe und biomedizinische Arzneimittel) an.
Aktuell: Hier geht es zur EADV Covid 19 Umfrage
Robert Koch Institut Dashbord - Fallzahlen in Deutschland
Zeitlicher Verlauf der Infektionszahlen in Deutschland
Weltweite Infektionszahlen - Dashboard der Johns Hopkins University
WHO App mit Wissensressourcen in sechs Sprachen (Apple App Store und dem Google Play Store)
podcast der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Onkologie (ADO)
Handlungsempfehlungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Pruritusforschung (AGP) in Zeiten der COVID19-Pandemie
Auch die Haut reagiert (Perspektiven der Dermatologie/2020 | Deutsches Ärzteblatt)
Von Händewaschen und Desinfektion (Perspektiven der Dermatologie/2020 | Deutsches Ärzteblatt)
Publikationen zu COVID-19 und Haut mit Open Access
SARS-CoV-2 Transmission from Presymptomatic Meeting Attendee, Germany
COVID-19 and biologics for psoriasis: a high-epidemic area experience - Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy.
Cutaneous manifestations of COVID-19:Report of three cases and a review of literature
Quantifying the impact of physical distance measures on the transmission of COVID-19 in the UK
Frequent Hand Washing for COVID-19 Prevention Can Cause Hand Dermatitis: Management Tips
Global rheumatology in the time of COVID-19
Recommendations on dermatologic surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Expression of the SARS-CoV-2 cell receptor gene ACE2 in a wide variety of human tissues.
Skin damage among health care workers managing coronavirus disease-2019.
Perspectives on the Recommendations for Skin Cancer Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Priorities for global health community in COVID-19 pandemic.
One more paper towel, longer protection.
Clinical determinants for fatality of 44,672 patients with COVID-19.
Quantifying the impact of physical distance measures on the transmission of COVID-19 in the UK.
Association of inflammatory markers with the severity of COVID-19: a meta-analysis.
Reply to: Personal Protective Equipment Recommendations Based on COVID-19 Route of Transmission.
Global rheumatology in the time of COVID-19.
Periorbital Erythema as a Presenting Sign of Covid-19.
A "paper diaper" in N95 respirator.
What evidence-based medicine researchers can do to help clinicians fighting COVID-2019?
Reply to: Skin damage among healthcare workers managing coronavirus disease-2019.
Viral Exanthem With "Pin and Needles Sensation" on Extremities of COVID-19 Patient
Androgenetic Alopecia Present in the Majority of Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients - The "Gabrin Sign"
Androgenetic Alopecia Present in the Majority of Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients - The "Gabrin Sign"
A "Paper Diaper" in N95 Respirator
What Evidence-Based Medicine Researchers Can Do to Help Clinicians Fighting COVID-2019?
Reply To: Skin Damage Among Healthcare Workers Managing Coronavirus disease-2019
The Eye as the Discrete but Defensible Portal of Coronavirus Infection
Melanoma Screening Days During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic: Strategies to Adopt
A Butterfly Flaps Its Wings: Extinction of Biological Experience and the Origins of Allergy
A "Paper Diaper" in N95 Respirator
[Skin Lessions in a Patient With SARS-COV-2 Infection]
Reply To: Skin Damage Among Healthcare Workers Managing Coronavirus disease-2019
High Expression of ACE2 on the Keratinocytes Reveals Skin as a Potential Target for SARS-CoV-2